Korotoa Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Are you finding Korotoa Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price? Yes, you are in the right place. Now I will tell you all the information about Santahar To Burimari Train.

Korotoa Express is the most popular train in Santahar To Burimari route. This train number is 713 & 714.

When this train runs Santahar To Burimari route this number is 713. This train number is 714 when Korotoa Express runs Burimari to Santahar route.

Korotoa Express Train Schedule

Now I will tell you about this train schedule. Korotoa Express (713) Departure Santahar at 09:15 AM every day. This train Arrival Burimari at 03:35 PM.

Korotoa Express (714) Departure Burimari at 04:00 pm every day. This train arrival Santahar at 10:20 pm.

Korotoa Express Train Schedule
Korotoa Express Train Schedule

Shantahar to Burimari Schedule

Train No 713
Shantahar Departure09:15 am
Burimari Arrival03:35 pm
Journey Time6 Hour 20 Minutes

Burimari to Shantahar Schedule

Train No 714
Burimari Departure 04:00 pm
Shantahar Arrival10:20 pm
Journey Time6 Hour 20 Minutes

Substations | Shantahat to Burimari

Here is your Shantahat to Burimari route Substation list with a real time table. You can follow this time schedule without worry.

This train stops the most popular three stations. These are Bogra, Gaibandha, and Lalmonirhat.

Santahar09:15 am
Bogura09:55 am10:00 am
Sonatola10:32 am10:32 am
Mohimaganj10:56 am10:56 am
Bonar para11:05 am11:08 am
Gaibandha11:30 am11:53 am
Bamondanga12:22 am12:24 pm
Pirgacha12:40 pm12:42 pm
Kaunia12:57 pm01:00 pm
Lalmonirhat01:25 pm01:35 pm
Aditmati01:48 pm01:50 pm
Kankina02:07 pm02:09 pm
Tushvandar02:15 pm02:17 pm
Hatibandha02:42 pm02:45 pm
Barakatha02:56 pm02:58 pm
Patgram03:18 pm03:21 pm
Burimari03:35 pm

Korotoa Express Ticket Price

Now i will tell you this route latest ticket price.

ClassRent per Seat
Single Chair265 Taka

How Can Buy Korotoa Express Ticket

You can buy train tickets in two ways. First, go to the railway station directly, secondly online. But you can buy tickets online from the house easily to buy tickets online.

You can buy tickets online from Bangladesh Railway’s website online. In that case, an online charge will be applicable.

How to Track Korotoa Express

Bangladesh Railway launched the train tracking system on 16 January 2014. This allows passengers to arrive at 16318 by mobile SMS when they leave the train, getting information on train status, next stoppage, real-time departure.

  • Go to your mobile SMS option
  • tr <space> 713/714. OR tr <space> Korotoa Express
  • Send to 16318
  • The immediate location of the train will be informed via SMS again.
  • SMS charge 4 taka+vat.

Thank you for reading this article. Here you get all the information about Santahar to Burimari & Burimari to Santahar route. All update information collected today only for you.

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