Top 10 most risky passwords! Don’t Use it anyhow.

Do you use mail? Or Facebook, Twitter? Any other accounts? Definitely do. Then you must use a password for it. Let’s see if these most risky passwords match with your password? If so, but great danger is waiting for you.

Because your mail or account can fall into the hands of hackers at any time. And all the information can be stolen from there.

A recent study found that there is widespread concern about Internet security around the world. But still many people are using these very simple passwords.

Password management company Nordpass lists the easiest and most used passwords. This list has been analyzed by analyzing the database of 26 crore 27 crore 56 lakh 99 thousand 516 passwords.

The company says it can crack these passwords in less than a second. But compared to 2019, the trend of using these common passwords in 2020 has not decreased much.

most risky passwords
most risky passwords

Top 10 most risky passwords!

Then it’s not too late. Take a look at the list of passwords we usually use that are risky. The 10 most used passwords in the list are-


Why we need to avoid risky password?

It is important to avoid risky passwords because they can be easily guessed or hacked, leaving your accounts and personal information vulnerable to unauthorized access. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Cybersecurity Threats: Cybercriminals use a variety of methods to steal passwords, such as phishing scams, brute force attacks, and keylogging. If your password is weak or easily guessable, it can be cracked quickly, and your personal data could be compromised.
  2. Personal Data Exposure: If your password is compromised, it can give hackers access to your personal data, such as financial information, social media accounts, and email addresses. This could result in identity theft, financial loss, and reputational damage.
  3. Business Security Risks: If you are using a risky password for your work-related accounts, it can put your organization at risk. Hackers can gain access to sensitive company data, trade secrets, and confidential information, leading to financial losses and legal liabilities.
  4. Compliance Requirements: Many industries have regulatory requirements for password security, such as HIPAA for healthcare and PCI DSS for financial services. If you fail to comply with these regulations, you may face penalties and fines.

In summary, avoiding risky passwords is essential for protecting your personal and business data from cyber threats and complying with regulatory requirements. Strong passwords, along with multi-factor authentication and regular password updates, can help safeguard your online accounts and keep your data secure.

Thank you for reading most risky passwords list. If you have more information about that just comment us bellow.

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