Dhaka To Chandpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Many people finding Dhaka To Chandpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price everyday. But nobody get more information’s about this topic. So we collected this information’s for our viewer. You get all latest info about Dhaka To Chandpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price. Lets start.

There are many Passengers everyday Journey by Train. You know that Dhaka to Chandpur is a most Popular Railway Route for all of the Passengers. This Post, we provide Dhaka to Chandpur Railway Train ticket booking system, Online Ticket Purchase system, Ticket Price, train Schedule, Off Day and more.

Dhaka To Chandpur Train Schedule
Dhaka To Chandpur Train Schedule

Intercity From Chandpur | Dhaka To Chandpur Train

Train NameOff DayFromDepartureTo
Sagarika ExpressNoChandpur02:00 pmChittagong
Chandpur CommuterFridayChandpur09:40 amComilla
Chandpur CommuterFridayChandpur05:00 pmComilla

Chandpur To Chittagong Ticket Price

According to the distance and facilities of the Destination, Bangladesh Railway determines the ticket price. Total Distance from Chandpur To Chittagong is about The distance between these two districts is about 184 kilometer.

ClassPrice (BDT)
Second Mail65 Taka
Commuter80 Taka
Sulov90 Taka
Shovon 150 Taka
Shovon Chair 180 Taka
First Class Chair 240 Taka
First Birth 360 Taka
Snigdha (AC)345 Taka
AC Seat 414 Taka
AC Birth621 Taka

We are updating this post everyday. When get new information about this we will update here. If you have more information’s about this just comment us bellow section. Thanks

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