Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price & Contact Number 2023

Are you finding Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price & Contact Number? Yes! you are on the right place. If you want to go to Dhaka to Kolkata first you need to have an Indian visa.

You can easily travel Dhaka to Kolkata by Bus. Everyday 4 or 5 buses runs this route. This ticket price is also comfortable. Now I will discuss about Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price & Contact Number.

Dhaka to Kolkata transport by most popular bus transport companies in Bangladesh. Therefore, the most well-known bus companies of Bangladesh are providing services. You already know the detailed information about the buses.

We have also added article links to know about these buses. The list of companies which provide direct bus service from Bangladesh to Dhaka is given.

Kolkata is a state of our neighboring country India. It is a very large state located in the western part of Bangladesh. Their mother tongue is Bengali like ours. So many people travel from Bangladesh to Kolkata for various reasons.

Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price

Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price

Yes! Dhaka to Kolkata direct buses like BRTC-Shyamali Transport, Green Line, etc. Again, some buses have come to the Dhaka-Benapole border only.

If you cross the border from Benapole, you will have to go to Kolkata/ Hawrah / Sealdah if you go to Dhaka-Benapole. It takes only 3 hours to travel from Benapole Border to Kolkata. Here is your all Bus List Dhaka to Kolkata Route.

The bus transport service from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, to Kolkata, West Bengal, India, is currently fairly advanced. Both AC and non-AC bus services are currently available on this route. You can easily get a bus to Kolkata from the Gabtoli bus terminal in the capital Dhaka. I followed the bus schedules.

Bus nameRent (AC Bus)Contact Number
GreenLine Paribahan1400 Taka16557
Royal Coach1500 Taka16374
Green Saintmartin Express1650 Taka16460
Desh Travels1900 Taka16460
Shyamoli NR2100 Taka16460, 02-9124139
Saintmartin Heritage2600 Taka01324-291836

Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price | GreenLine Paribahan

Dhaka LeaveStarting PointEnding PointRent (AC Bus)
7:05 amAbdullahpur, DhakaNew Market, Kolkata1400 Taka
09:55 pmAbdullahpur, DhakaNew Market, Kolkata1400 Taka
11:00 pmKallanpur, DhakaNew Market, Kolkata2000 Taka
11:45 pmKalabagan, DhakaNew Market, Kolkata2000 Taka
Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price & Contact Number 2023 4

Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price | Royal Coach

Dhaka LeaveStarting PointEnding PointRent (AC Bus)
10:15 pmKallayanpur, DhakaNew Market, Kolkata1500 Taka

Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price | Green Saintmartin

Dhaka LeaveStarting PointEnding PointRent (AC Bus)
10:00 pmNabinagar, DhakaMarquis Street, Kolkata1650 Taka
10:30 pmNabinagar, DhakaMarquis Street, Kolkata1850 Taka
Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price & Contact Number 2023 5

Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price | Desh Travels

Dhaka LeaveStarting PointEnding PointRent (AC Bus)
7:15 amArambag, DhakaBenapole, Jessore1900 Taka
9:30 amArambag, DhakaBenapole, Jessore1900 Taka
3:30 pmDampara, DhakaDTVC1900 Taka
9:15 pmAbdullahpur, DhakaDTVC1100 Taka
9:30 pmKallaynpur, DhakaDTVC1100 Taka
9:30 pmArambag, DhakaDTVC1100 Taka
10:15 pmAbdullahpur, DhakaDTVC1900 Taka
11:00 pmKallaynpur, DhakaDTVC1900 Taka

Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price | Shyamoli NR

Dhaka LeaveStarting PointEnding PointRent (AC Bus)
6:30 amSohorab Pump, DhakaMarquis Street, Kolkata2100 Taka
4:00 pmDampara, DhakaMarquis Street, Kolkata2000 Taka
9:00 pmSohorab Pump, DhakaSalt Lake, Kolkata2100 Taka
10:15 pmNarayangong, DhakaMarquis Street, Kolkata2000 Taka
11:00 pmKP BRTC NR, DhakaMarquis Street, Kolkata2000 Taka

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