Teletalk Recharge Offer 2023 | Bornomala | Youth | Oporajita

Hi Friends! Are you finding Teletalk Recharge Offer? Yes! Here you get all the information about teletalk bornomala recharge offer, teletalk youth recharge offer, teletalk oporajita recharge offer & more. Just Enjoy.

Teletalk is a mobile phone service provider based in Bangladesh Government. It was first published as “bMobile” but later changed to “Teletalk”. It is a GSM and forgery based state-owned mobile phone company in Bangladesh. Teletalk launched on 29 December 2004.

It is a Public Limited Company of the Government of Bangladesh. As of December 2019, Teletalk is the fourth-largest mobile phone operator in Bangladesh with a subscriber base of 48 lakh 68 thousand.

Teletalk Recharge Offer
Teletalk Recharge Offer

Teletalk Recharge Offer

Here you get all the latest Recharge Offer. This offer collected from Teletalk.

PackageDiscounted RateActivationValidity
Oporajita60 Paisa minuteRecharge Tk.297 Days
Oporajita60 Paisa minuteRecharge Tk.9930 Days
Shadheen60 Paisa minuteRecharge Tk.297 Days
Shadheen60 Paisa minuteRecharge Tk.9930 Days
Projonmo60 Paisa minuteRecharge Tk.297 Days
Projonmo60 Paisa minuteRecharge Tk.9930 Days
Youth65 Paisa minuteRecharge Tk.297 Days
Youth65 Paisa minuteRecharge Tk.9930 Days

About Teletalk

Teletalk provides services on a prepaid, postpaid basis. Currently, there are network services in 64 districts of the country, 402 Upazilas and most of the highways.

  • Youth 3G: This is a primary service provider of Teletalk.
  • Shagotom: This is an affordable package for new users. Its call rate and SMS charges are low.
  • Agami: SSC Examination is a Teletalk special package for GPA-5 recipients who usually provide Teletalk for free. Call rate, SMS charges, and Internet charges are very low.
  • Bornomala: Affordable Collateral and Internet Package-rich Special Alphabet Sims for College and University Students were first awarded at the Amar Ekushey Book Fair for the first time in 2015.
  • Oporajita: Teletalk’s special package for women empowerment is “Aparajita” which is applicable only to women customers. The package was first introduced in 2017.

Thank you for reading our article. Here you get all the information about teletalk bornomala recharge offer. Please share this post with your friends.

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